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Criminal Attorney Garden Grove by Kenney Legal Defense

Criminal Attorney Garden Grove

What Questions Should You Be Asking Your Criminal Attorney Garden Grove?

People don't meet a criminal attorney garden grove every now and then. So when you are facing a criminal charge, you are most likely to be confused what to say to a legal professional. When you first meet a lawyer, it is important to ask the right questions. The right questions will not only help evaluate the attorney's capabilities, but also the condition of your case.

This guide provides you valuable tips as to what questions you should be asking a criminal attorney garden grove.

Evaluation of Your Case

Ask the following questions to the attorney when you want to evaluate your case:

  • What will happen if you plead guilty?
  • Can you get a lesser charge if you plead guilty?
  • What facts in the case are in your favor and which are against you?
  • Does the attorney think that you should go to trial?
  • What kind of strategy does the criminal attorney garden grove suggest?

Ask About Case Management

Ask the lawyer about the case management aspects. Some of the key questions you can ask in this regard include:

  • Will the attorney represent you?
  • Will some other defense lawyers in their office be working on your case? If yes then will you be able to meet them?
  • If you have questions, who should you call?

You should also enquire about the fee that the criminal attorney garden grove will be charging you. Typically, lawyers charge either a flat fee or hourly fee. When it is flat fee, make sure to confirm what is included and what is not. Do they require you to pay the fee upfront or in parts. When paying for the attorney's time, find out what extra legal expenses you will have to bear.

So ask all these questions when choosing the right criminal attorney garden grove for yourself.

Orange County Criminal Lawyer

Practice Areas

Business Defense Litigation, Federal Crime Defense, Wire Fraud, White Collar Crime Defense, Felony Defense, Fraud Defense, Conspiracy Charges, Drug Smuggling Crime Defense, Alien Smuggling, Drunk In Public, Embezzlement, DUI, Entrapment, Gang Crimes, Organized Crime Defense, Murder and more…
