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Investment Fraud Attorney, Orange County CA

Investment Fraud


Investment fraud can be a confusing term, but it has become a common issue in California recently. Generally, illegal conduct in this area must relate in some way to securities, which are defined as an investment or an interest in a property or a business. Stocks and bonds are well-known types of securities. Criminal Lawyer Karren Kenney is a white collar crimes lawyer who has been aggressively protecting the rights of Orange County residents against many types of prosecutions for 20 years. Rather than ever prosecuting anyone, she has devoted her career to representing individuals charged with crimes, and she has amassed a record of over 60 trials that has left her thoroughly comfortable in the courtroom.


Examples of recent California cases of investment fraud have included claims of attempting to defraud investors, financial scams aimed at the elderly, and misstating the financial information of a company. In addition to state laws, federal laws also prohibit this conduct, and as a result these cases can be charged as either state or federal offenses.

Investment fraud is a broad concept and can include any deceptive act concerning any kind of investments or securities. In fact, it often coincides with other offenses like conspiracy, mail fraud, and wire fraud. These areas of the law often contain intricacies that may be overlooked by a criminal defense attorney who does not specialize in fraud cases. Defendants charged with investment fraud can end up incurring harsh penalties that affect their careers, livelihood, and standing in the community.

Depending on the circumstances, an offense of investment fraud may be charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony. The range of punishment for a conviction can extend to incarceration and severe monetary penalties of up to a million dollars.

The field of investments and securities is complex and littered with obscure rules. It is entirely possible that a person may commit investment fraud unknowingly or by accident. Fortunately, there are several defenses that a person may assert against this type of charge. As with most crimes involving fraud, the prosecution must show beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant willfully violated California or federal securities laws. If the state cannot do so, the charge will not stand.

A person cannot be convicted of breaking California securities laws, moreover, if he or she can cast doubt on the prosecution's allegations that he or she had knowledge of the rules. Also, there are certain time limits for investment fraud charges to be brought. A skilled attorney can analyze the key facts of a case and decide which defenses best suit the situation.


When you have been charged with a white collar crime in Orange County, you should consider seeking legal guidance from fraud defense attorney Karren Kenney. She has the experience it takes to successfully defend against a charge of investment fraud, and she has been certified as a fraud specialist by the Association of Certified Fraud Specialists. Ms. Kenney recognizes the potentially devastating effects that a conviction can have on a person's life and takes an aggressive approach to find ways to get charges reduced or dropped. At the trial level, Ms. Kenney has had several notable victories, including a case in which her client was charged with securities fraud, forgery, and grand theft. Based in Costa Mesa, our team helps clients from throughout Southern California, including in Santa Ana and Los Angeles. Call (855) 505-5588 or contact us online for an initial consultation at no cost to you.

Practice Areas

Business Defense Litigation, Federal Crime Defense, Wire Fraud, White Collar Crime Defense, Felony Defense, Fraud Defense, Conspiracy Charges, Drug Smuggling Crime Defense, Alien Smuggling, Drunk In Public, Embezzlement, DUI, Entrapment, Gang Crimes, Organized Crime Defense, Murder and more…
