federal criminal attorney

Federal Convictions Based On Willful Blindness

Willful Blindness is a theory of liability in the federal criminal justice system that just doesn’t seem fair.  The doctrine of willful blindness helps prosecutors convict defendants who deliberately shield themselves from clear evidence of critical facts that are strongly suggested by the circumstances.  If a defendant who behaves in this manner, they are just […]

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State and Federal Prosecutors: What Happens When They’re Not Just?

One of the most disconcerting things for a defendant to face is when they sit in trial for a crime they allegedly committed and see the prosecutor engaging in behavior that is wrong in every sense of the word. The legal term is “prosecutorial misconduct” and it can occur at any point during criminal proceedings

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The Use of Government Snitches – Fair or Unfair??

A recent hot topic across the United States has been the use of in custody government snitches against in-custody defendants.  In a famous murder case that occurred in Seal Beach, California involving Scott Dekraai, involved weeks of hearings resulting from a defense motion to dismiss in which law enforcement personnel and government snitches testified.  The

The Use of Government Snitches – Fair or Unfair?? Read More »

Things to Consider Before Hiring a Criminal Defense Attorney

Criminal defense attorney When you have been arrested and accused of committing a crime, or you are under investigation, you need to find a criminal defense attorney immediately.  With the internet at your fingertips, it is hard to determine which attorney is perfect for your situation.  Do you pick the attorney who seems to be

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Understanding Tax Evasion

Tax evasion Perhaps one of the most infamous criminals the United States has ever known, Al Capone had many ties to the criminal underworld and had been in and out of jail for many petty offenses before he was finally convicted of tax evasion  on October 18, 1931. Capone spent the next 11 years in

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Being a Federal Cooperator – Is It Worth It??

Being a Federal Cooperator Without Legal Counsel When the Feds are after a large target, usually the top people in a conspiracy ring, they will approach those individuals who are lower on the totem pole, and attempt to get them to cooperate before charges are filed against them. The agents will tell the potential cooperator

Being a Federal Cooperator – Is It Worth It?? Read More »

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