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Westminster Criminal Attorney | Criminal Lawyer in Westminster


Karren Kenney (Westminster criminal attorney) is a criminal lawyer who routinely helps residents of Westminster fight criminal charges.  Westminster is a diverse community that has changed over the years.  Founded in 1870 as a Presbyterian temperance colony, Westminster is a landlocked city in Orange County, California that was originally named Tri-City. It was incorporated in 1957. In the 1970s, many Vietnamese refugees settled in the part of Westminster known as Little Saigon. The city is also the final resting place for many victims of the Pan Am plane that was part of the Tenerife Disaster of 1977, known as the deadliest aviation accident in history.

Most of the criminal cases that happen in Westminster are usually theft, domestic violance and alcohol related offense.  If you are accused of a crime in Westminster, you should consider enlisting an experienced Westminster Criminal Attorney to advocate for your rights.

At Kenney Legal Defense, we offer aggressive representation against the full range of criminal charges, including white collar crimes, DUI, theft, drug offenses, internet crimes, juvenile offenses, domestic violence. We assist individuals charged with both minor misdemeanors and violent felonies in local county and federal courts.


There are multiple charges available to a prosecutor trying to prove a domestic violence case, including domestic battery and corporal injury on a spouse, cohabitant, or fellow parent. Under California Penal Code Section 243(e), domestic battery is any willful and unlawful touching that is harmful, if it is committed against the defendant's spouse, former spouse, cohabitant, former cohabitant, fiance, former fiance, a person whom the defendant is dating or used to date, or the father or mother of the defendant's child. If these elements are met, you can be charged with domestic battery, even if the alleged victim did not sustain any serious, permanent injuries.  You need to call Westminster Criminal Attorney Karren Kenney for assistance.

Under California Penal Code Section 273.5, the crime of corporal injury on an intimate partner is proven when the defendant willfully inflicted injury on an intimate partner and thereby caused a traumatic condition or a concrete physical injury. This is a “wobbler,” which means it can be charged as a misdemeanor or felony. If it is charged as a felony, in addition to time in state prison, you may also be the subject of a restraining order that prevents you from contacting the victim for up to 10 years. Such a restraining order can have serious consequences for a family, particular with regard to child custody.

Criminal allegations that are alleged to have occurred in Westminster are arraigned at the West Justice Center in Westminster, California, just a short drive from Ms. Kenney's office.


A felony conviction can harm your future, resulting in the loss of educational and professional opportunities and a disrupted family life. In many cases, legal representation can make a difference for a Westminster resident facing felony charges. Westminster Criminal Attorney Karren Kenney has never worked for the prosecution and believes that one error in judgment should not ruin her clients' lives. Contact the Kenney Legal Defense at (855) 505-5588 or via our online form.

Practice Areas

Business Defense Litigation, Federal Crime Defense, Wire Fraud, White Collar Crime Defense, Felony Defense, Fraud Defense, Conspiracy Charges, Drug Smuggling Crime Defense, Alien Smuggling, Drunk In Public, Embezzlement, DUI, Entrapment, Gang Crimes, Organized Crime Defense, Murder and more…
